Tag Archives: Django Unchained

Foolishness from Boston Globe on Django Unchained

I didn’t realize what a gift Django Unchained would be to revealing the foolishness still out there on the topic of Black authenticity. We already had Spike Lee give his two cents. Now, newsbusters.org reveals that writer Wesley Morris compares Samuel L Jackson’s evil house negro character to Alan Keyes, Clarence Thomas, Herman Caine, and Michael Steele. Why? The only thing these black men have in common is being Republican and conservative.  About these men, Wesley says “some black people find embarrassing.” By the way, house negro is an old term meaning a Black person who has more love for their White owners than their fellow Blacks. So, the only crime that makes these men less authentic and more self-hating is their politics. This foolishness is culturally deep. This blog will not be partisan but we will continue to fight what amounts to a form of voter intimidation. “Unless you vote and believe in certain politics, you are less Black than I am.” This is anti-freedom, anti-American, and needs to be stopped. BlackNEKS will continue to promote freedom of political thought and action.

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